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Quarterly Commentaries

Every quarter we analyze current market trends and consider broad financial topics. Our aim is to provide approachable content that is relevant to all of our clients.

Q2 2024 Commentary: Pessimism Abounds (But Stay Calm & Stay Invested) Thumbnail

Q2 2024 Commentary: Pessimism Abounds (But Stay Calm & Stay Invested)

Like moths heading to the flame, we as humans can’t seem to resist the pull of bad news. Our social media feeds, newscasts, and newspapers know this and consistently focus on what is wrong. Politicians add to this with their negative campaign ads and smear tactics. It’s hard to stay positive, especially regarding the upcoming election.

Q4 2023 Commentary: Surprised Again?!? Main Street vs Wall Street Thumbnail

Q4 2023 Commentary: Surprised Again?!? Main Street vs Wall Street

In one poll taken at this time last year, 85% of economists predicted a recession. What happened? In a word, the pundits were wrong. Throughout 2023, the markets blew through the headwinds and posted unusually high gains nearly across the board. Despite the strong market returns and overall healthy economy, there is a disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street.

Q3 2023 Commentary: An Alternative Universe: FOMO Thumbnail

Q3 2023 Commentary: An Alternative Universe: FOMO

At Pine Haven, we get lots of communications (emails, mail, and phone calls) from companies wanting us to invest in their investment products. Lately we have been getting more correspondence from companies that are pitching alternative investments. What are these “alternative” investments and why is Wall Street (aka the Financial Industrial Complex) always pitching these products? These products often appear to be sophisticated, and they are exclusive – so that you must want to invest in them!

Q2 2023 Commentary: What is ESG? Thumbnail

Q2 2023 Commentary: What is ESG?

Although we may not be in control of the inevitable swings in the market, we can invest in fundamentally sound companies that are also considering the broader impact(s) they are having. In this quarter’s commentary, we discuss the history and current relevance of ESG investing. Although the “E” (environment) has gotten most of the press in recent memory, the other components have a place in the conversation as well.